Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Thursday, March 17, 2011


this is just a pictue i made of sandeyes on paint. it's not very good but...
well...comment with tips or critiques!

Monday, March 14, 2011

chapter 2

finnally! i'm posting chapter...2!!!!!

       Flamepaw woke to find Waterpaw pushing him back and forth.
       "Come on sleepy head! We're on dawn patrol!" Waterpaw said trying to wake him.
       "Since when?" Flamepaw replied groggily.
       "Scince deputy Leafear said so! Now come on!" Waterpaw cried before rushing out of the den.
       Flamepaw grumbled but rose. he walked over to the fresh kill pile and took a nice sized thrush and
       ate it. Blueclaw came over.
       "Mind if i join you?" she asked around a mouthful of freshkill.
       "Sure." Flamepaw replied.
       "You know...i've been speaking with Rainstar." Blueclaw said casually."and we think you may be      
       ready to become a warrior."
       Flamepaw raised his head."Really?" he replied.
       "Yes." she replied, finishing off her freshkill. "Now.
       We should join the others." she said before going over to stand beside Waterpaw and   
       Stoneface. Flamepaw sighed as he saw Waterpaw was coming.
       "Ready to go?" Waterpaw asked exitedly.
       "yeah." Flamepaw said grumpily.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

charecter sheets

i totally forgot to make a charecter page. it would probably be helpful scince all the cats are new. don't worry. i'm back in the warriors mood and i should get the second chapter up after this.


leader             rainstar-a blueish grey she-cat

deputy            leafear-a brownish tom with a broad flattened ears.

medicine cat   whitepool-a white she-cat

warriors              blueclaw-a blueish she-cat. is often difficult to tell her and rainstar apart.
                                  wildfur-a black and white tabby tom with messed up fur.

                                  sandeyes-a sand colored tom.
                                 Stoneface-a grey tom with an expressionless face.
apprentices   flamepaw-a jet black tom with ginger paws.

                                waterpaw-a brown cat with blueish nose fur.

                     grasspaw-a brown and black cat that always has a peice of grass in her                                                  fur.                

queens          bushtail-a gray and whitish tabby she cat with a fluffy tail.

elders                 horsemane-a brown and black spotted tom with a tuftt of hair down his neck like a                                                      horses mane.
                               hardlog-a brown she-cat.

kits               icekit-a small white kit
                               sleepkit-a small kit who snores.


leader                   nightstar-a black tom

deputy           ebonyclaw-a brown and black tabby tom

warriors              spottedtalon-a tortoishell she-cat
                                 hawkheart-a large brown tom.


warriors         woodstorm-a brown tabby with a light brown pelt with dark brown stripes.

medicine cat  darkwhisker-a dark brown cat with black

ok. that's enough for now i think. i will keep going till i have enough cats but i think i can get a good story going from here